傑克折紙劇場 (Jack's Origami Theater)

現在上映 (Now Playing):


A1.天使城市 -- 序曲  

(City Of Angels)

[中文]   [English]



A2.幕後 -- 建造天使城市  

(Behind The Scene: Building A City Of Angels)

[中文]   [English]



(Legend Of Angels)

   [中文]   [English]



B. 摺紙樂坊 (Band Of Origami)

    1. 西樂組 (Western instruments)

Conductor Piano Cello  Flute
Guitar Violin  Saxhorn Drum


     2. 國樂組(Chinese instruments)

二胡  古箏 琵琶


C. 摺紙動物園(Origami Zoo)

老虎(Tiger) 獅子(Lion) 北極熊(Polar Bear) 熊貓(Panda)
大象(Elephant) 老鷹(Eagle) 犀牛(Rhino) 斑馬(Zebra)


*About the author:  

     Here are some origami pictures of Jack being at work   ^_^

Hi, I'm moving the content of this site to my blog Jack's Theater. Please continue to visit my blog. Thanks.


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Any comments, please mail to jack.article@gmail.com

動腦時間(Brain Teaser)

:建造天使城市中,我們使用了從正方形中剪出正三角形的技巧。但一般辦公室或家中最常見的紙應該是大約 8.5" x 11" 的長方形紙。 那麼,該如何從這樣的長方形中剪出一個最大的正三角形呢?

(Q: In Building A City Of Angels, we learned to cut a equilateral triangle from a square paper. However, the most common paper in the office or at home is the rectangular one of about 8.5" X 11". Now, how can we get the largest equilateral triangle from such a rectangular paper?)

Answer: Please Click Here (答案請按此處)

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